Frequently Asked Questions About Clear Skies Restoration Services
What are the costs for me?
A: Depending upon your homeowners policy, in most cases if your home is approved, you will only pay your deductible plus any upgrades. Your insurance company will handle the remaining costs.
Why does Clear Skies Restoration’s field representative meet with the insurance adjuster, can’t I handle the meeting myself?
A: Yes, however we strongly discourage homeowners from doing this. This meeting is the most critical part of the entire process. We highly recommend allowing our contractor to handle the meeting on your behalf. We have experience working with insurance companies.
What if my home is not approved? Will there be fees owed to Clear Skies Restoration?
A: Definitely NOT! We work strictly from the insurance proceeds deemed prudent from your insurance company.
Will my insurance premiums increase if I file a claim for storm damage?
A: NO, in most cases however, regardless if you file a claim or not, your insurance carrier will increase your premiums due to catastrophic events in your area and throughout the country. Simply compare your rates three years ago until today. You pay premiums for events that take place like this, do not be intimidated by your insurance agent or carrier when it comes time to file your claim on damage your entitled too.
How does Clear Skies Restoration get compensated?
A: Clear Skies Restoration is compensated by insurance proceeds from your insurance carrier. We will conduct all insurance meetings, price negotiations, and insurance invoicing on your behalf in return for the production contract on your home.
Am I obligated by signing a contract with Clear Skies Restoration?
A: If the insurance company does not approve your home, there is no contract. If the insurance company does approve your home, then Clear Skies Restoration has first right of refusal to complete production. If we get your home approved, all we ask is that you have us complete what we started, the job. This total cost of your project will be determined by the insurance proceeds and your deductible.